Monday, May 4, 2015

From Josh to Dad

Wow dad, that was an amazing email, thanks a ton. If there's anything that i have learned out here, it would be that adversity purifies us. From your words, from my experiences, from what my companion has told me, adversity makes us pure. We realize that we can't do this alone, that's why we have repentance and the Atonement. It's beautiful what we know, what we have. A problem today, in my area, and I'm sure in other places as well, is that people believe that God is angry with them, that he stopped loving them. Like you said, it's not like that at all.

Anyways, so about my week! This week was fun, this week we planned a bunch of Family Home Evenings with some members. One thing our branch needs is more unity, and a way to be more unified is with family home evenings! We had one on monday after p day, we did an activity where we all drew what we thought heaven looked like. All of our drawings were different of course, but we taught that the path to heaven is the same, through baptism and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our main message for the family home evenings was about that, and the Plan of Salvation. We had another one on thursday, that was fun, we did the same thing, and we had another one this sunday, but it was a bit different. We went to a member's house, set up a projecter and watched a movie about a missionary who breaks the law of chastity in the field, it's called States of Grace. It's really intense, it's placed in Santa Monica, and it gets crazy, but it was really nice! I liked it :) We had refreshments afterwards.

That was the majority of this week, the main highlights I guess. We also had some great lessons with week. There were two lessons, the first one, we visited with the family of the branch president, they don't come to church that often but they're faithful and good members. Our message was that God truly loves them and for what they have done right, that God is pleased with them. The spirit was really strong there. We also visited another family and we talked about what our goals in this life should be, well that they should be towards salvation really, and the spirit was strong there too. It was really interesting to see how strong the spirit can be. 

Ah as I'm counting down this last week of this transfer, it's going to be interesting, because my companion leaves this next monday, which means I'm for sure going to get a new companion! Woah!!!!!!! So yeah, that's going to be fun :)

Until sunday!
With love
Elder Morrison

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