Monday, November 30, 2015

Futbolito, Ping Pong, and Mexican Thandsgiving

Hey everybody! So here's another week down, even though I wrote to you guys last Wednesday :) Some more interesting things are going on in our lives here in Mexico, so we're not bored just yet :)
As many of you know, last Thursday was Thanksgiving. The answer is no, Mexicans don't normally celebrate Thanksgiving here....HOWEVER! We had the opportunity to have Thanksgiving dinner in the mission home, with the mission president and his family, our district, the president's assistants, and one of the missionary couples! So yeah, I celebrated Thanksgiving too! I really am grateful for that experience, the food was perfect and oh man, I was so full!
Friday, we after lunch we went to work in one of the sister companionship's areas to help them find more people to teach. Their area is very.........interesting, in the aspect of that there's not a lot of people in the street, and those who we do find normally have no interest in the gospel. We were able to contact a handful of people, most of them said no, but we managed to pull out a referral for the sister missionaries. Do Work!
Saturday, my companion and I helped out the other sister missionaries in our district with a special request from one of their investigators. This investigator, Ruben, has been seeing spirits and has had these weird supernatural feelings in his restaurant. He asked the sister missionaries if my companion and I could come to his restaurant and 'give it a blessing', thinking of when we came to his house and gave him a priesthood blessing. Well, we went and helped him out with his situation. We went to his restaurant with the sister missionaries and Ruben, and we gathered in a circle and we offered a prayer, seemed like a good idea. He said that it helped a lot and thanked us, and then he gave us some sort of salad that he made, (Ruben's a chef).
The rest of the week, we've been working, finding people to teach, and trying to get our investigators to church. It's something that we have to put a little more effort into, church attendance. We know we can get our investigators to church, we have the means, and we're willing to do what we need to!
So, yeah! Here's to another week! November's already over, now into December! Counting down to christmas!
With love,
Elder Morrison

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